- Test & Validation - Old
Test & Validation
The Dinex Test Center is located in Middelfart, Denmark.
Our Test Center includes
Two engine dynamometers
A chassis dynamometer
A sound chamber
A flow rig
A hot gas wind tunnel
A electrodynamic shaker

Emissions measurement
For measurement of gaseous emissions the Dinex Test Center has two AVL SESAM i60FT SII + FID, one AVL SESAM i60FT and one Horiba MEXA-6000FT gas analysers. These devices can online measure multi-components in the exhaust gas (NO, NO2, N2O, NH3, CO, CO2, THC etc) continuously and simultaneously using Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, and flame ionization detector. Multiple equipment makes it possible to measure several positions in the exhaust systems simultaneously.
For measurement of particulate emissions Dinex uses measurement equipment for particulate number and size. The equipment is a TSI 3790 EECPC for Particulate Number (according to the PMP protocol) and an TSI 3090 EEPS (transient SMPS) for Particulate Size Distribution. This is used together with a Testo ViPR dilution system.
Dinex also has a Horiba MDT-905 analyser which measures particulate mass online and continuously using tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM), a micro weighing technology that provides true mass measurements.
Engine dynamometers
The Dinex Test Center has two Horiba transient engine dynos:
Heavy duty D600 for engines up to 3950 Nm, 600kW and 4500rpm.
Medium duty T250 for engines up to 718Nm, 250kW and 8,000rpm.
Tests that can be carried out on the engine dynamometer (but not limited to):
- Back pressure test
- Catramp (DOC)
- Filtration efficiency (DPF)
- Balance point temperature (DPF)
- Deposit test (Mixer)
- NH3 uniformity test (Mixer)
- Max efficiency test (SCR)
- Etc.

Chassis dynamometer
The Dinex Test Center has a heavy-duty chassis dyno. The chassis dyno has a 72” (1.83m) single roller design with a central electrical motor. The chassis dyno can handle vehicles from 800 kg up to 30 tonnes inertia, 470kW continuous and 600 kW peak wheel power.
The chassis dyno is equipped to run emission cycles similar to the engine dynos or cycles developed specifically for chassis dynos (FIGE, Braunschweig, FTP, NRTC, etc).
Sound chamber
The Dinex Test Center has a reverberation chamber (sound chamber) with a volume of 920 m3 and an area of 156 m2 The chamber is located next to the engine room with the two engine dynos, from where the exhaust gas can be led into the sound chamber through the wall.
The sound chamber consists of
- Separate foundation and 250 mm concrete walls and ceiling for minimum vibration transmission.
- Opposite walls are 9 degrees inclined for optimal sound field distribution.
- Nanopainted walls for easy cleaning.
- Ventilation and flushing channel for optimal air temperature and minimum air pollution.
- Double doors with no doorstep and w x h = 2.5 m x 3.0 m for entering large objects.
- Volume: 920 m3
- Area: 156 m2.
- Total surface area: 575 m2.
The following are installed in the sound chamber
- Movable Ø6.57 m microphone array holding 6 ½” microphones from Brüel & Kjær (B&K), type 4188Near-field microphone from B&K (½”, type 4188) on microphone stand.
- Two outlets pr. engine test stand and one exhaust chimney for bypassing or cross-passing the sound chamber.
- Others: 230 V / 380 V, pressured air, water.
Flow rig
The Dinex Test Center has a flow rig that consists of 6 loudspeakers and 6 microphones (3 on each side of the test object), where a test object is placed in the center and connected to the Ø4” pipes.
Through the flow rig, the inlet side of the test object is connected to a centrifugal fan that makes it possible to perform tests with a mean flow.
The Flow rig consists of:
- An amplifier from Lab. Gruppen, type iP 900
6 ¼” Brüel & Kjær (B&K) microphones, type 4954-B, + deltatron amp.
6 special made loudspeakers from KTH.
A special made calibrator from KTH.
The measurement system is a 6 + 1 channel B&K Pulse system, which consists of:
- B&K Acquisition Front-end type 3560-C
- B&K Pulse software v. 12.5
- B&K calibrator, type 4231
Tests that can be carried out on the flow rig:
- Transmission Loss test (primary)
- Flow velocity test
- Back pressure test

Own designed hot gas wind tunnel
Dinex and University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is executing project to develop and validate a low thermal mass compact mixer funded by the Danish environmental funding program MUDP. To aid in the detailed validation work of mixing technology, Dinex has, with support from SDU, designed & manufactured a wind tunnel.
The wind tunnel, located in the test center in Denmark, can produce temperatures up to 400 degC under extremely controlled conditions needed to make the detailed laser-based Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) measurements in the glass section.
For future projects, the wind tunnel may be part of the development of the EUVII concepts, new mixers, and contribute to more data on AdBlue sprays, the formation of deposits, dosing strategies, materials and much more.

Vibration test equipment
The Dinex Test Center has an ETS electrodynamic shaker and a heater system to perform hot shake vibration tests.
Tests that can be carried out on the shaker (but not limited to):
- Sine sweep tests
- Random vibration tests
- Shock tests
- Sine on random tests
- Sine on sine tests
The shaker unit has the following specifications: