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- Clean air vision

Dinex supports the Clean Air Vision – a joint initiative with the Danish EPA (Miljøministeriet) and the Danish Environmental Technology Association (Dansk Miljøteknologi) in front – promoting innovative solutions for improving air quality. Last week our CTO Evangelos Georgiadis, together with Hanne Hostrup Poulsen and Kristian Kaufmann had an inspiring session with representatives from all sides, on the topic of how the on-road transport industry can support our common mission of securing clean air for current and future generations globally.
Dinex' message is clear: With Euro VI, Diesel engines has never been cleaner – in certain cases even cleaner than the air you breathe – and pushing the latest standards while preparing for future requirements, is a shortcut to a cleaner and greener transport industry. Dinex is already today delivering technologies and full system solutions to OEMs worldwide, enabling full Euro VI and Stage 5 compliance, and are in full progress of innovating “Euro 7” solutions.
Want to learn more about the Clean Air Vision? Check out www.luftvisionen.dk