- Environment - Old
We’ve come a long way…
Over the past 3 decades the evolvement of emission standards in most parts of the world, has driven a significant reduction of harmful substances in the exhaust of diesel vehicles. For instance, in comparison to the 1990s, modern diesel engines emit over 90-95% less Particulate Mass and NOx, reducing impact on environment and benefitting mankind.
Exhaust gas from a modern diesel engine, equipped with aftertreatment technology from e.g. Dinex, contains less particles than what’s already present in the ambient air in many urban environments around the world.
… and we’re not done yet!
Although diesel engines have never been cleaner, the challenges faced by our planet calls for even further action. By 2050, more and more countries and organizations are committing themselves to a target of reaching a net-zero carbon emission footprint. For the transport industry, this calls for a wider perspective than simply focusing on tailpipe emissions - the whole ”well-to-wheel” cycle must be considered, to avoid that the CO2 burden is simply offset from the transport- to the energy sector.
Low-carbon fuels such as Natural gas and bio fuels, and alternatives such as fuel-cells, hybrids and full electrification… there is no “1-solution-fits-all”: But that doesn’t mean the transport sector can’t be green.
Dinex has a long history of focusing on pragmatic and effective solutions that contributes to the efforts of our customers to build highly efficient solutions, by utilizing technologies that are rigorously tested and well proven.