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- 2020.06, OEM snapshot video
How well do you know Dinex?
Who we serve, how we support and what we bring to the table? Have a look on this video showing snapshot of our OEM activities
Who we serve
Worldwide OEMs like Caterpillar, Daimler, Dongfeng, Deutz, Kohler and MAN, to name a few with our high quality solutions - aftertreatment systems and components, exhaust piping solutions to.
How we support
Dinex is involved in > 20 serial supply projects of exhaust systems for engines of broad range of sizes, both in on-road and off-road segments covering both Diesel, CNG powertrains and wide emissions regulations.
What we bring on to the table
Cost efficient solutions through our industry unique positioning of vertically integrating Tier 1 and Tier 2 stages, bringing catalyst coating and canning under one roof.